Thursday, August 10, 2017


This is a quickest way to get six-pack. Aim to perform this workout between 2-4 times per week. It should take only 10 minutes to complete . 

The routine(repeat 3 times)

1.the overhead crunch 12 reps

2.the frozen v sit 12 reps

3.revers crunch 12 reps 

4.janda sit-up 12 reps 

5.extended plank 45 sec

1.the overhead crunch :

Lie on your back with your knees bent and your arms straightened behind you. Then keeping your arms straight above your head, perform a traditional crunch. The movement should be slow and controlled.

2.the frozen v sit : 

Lie down on your back with your arms and legs outstretched and your hands and feet lifted just above the floor. Begin the exercise by simultaneously raising your torso and legs up to touch your feet. Hold for the required time.

3.The reverse crunch : 

Lie on your back and place your hands behind your head, then bring your knees in towards your chest until they are bent to 90 degrees, with feet together . Contract your abs to curl your hips off the floor, reaching your legs up towards the ceiling, then lower your legs back down to their original position without letting your feet touch the floor.

4.Janda sit-up : 

Lie on your back with your knees bent and hands placed behind your head. then try digging your heels into the floor, contracting your hamstrings, whilst performing an ordinary crunch.

5.The extended plank : 

Get into a press up position, placing your hands around 10 inches in front of your shoulders, with the toes of your shoes placed against the floor. Hold this position with your back straight and try to continue to breath as normal.


1 comment:

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